Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Crystal Reports Software What Software Language Is Used For Cricinfo Site ?

What software language is used for Cricinfo site ? - crystal reports software

I am, as soon as they tossed balls and a race to data from multiple tables and queries will be surprised to take in the Cricinfo website updated live, how many pages you need a day to equal. What is the software uses? Is it a Java or Java-Plus, or Crystal Reports? Describe any fan of cricket youth can software.


Tourneso... said...

Dear VSSSarma,

I checked the code. Javascript is XHTML 1.0 Transitional ... thats used.

1 minutes



More details:

1. The figures are placed in, ie they use a live broadcast from its server various

2. The numbers are simply managed by a DBMS on Windows using Structured Query Language (SQL) or for data management and computer science in real-time statistics.

3. The server runs on a Windows platform

4. They have been associated with:
Manage their e-commerce ... I do not know what these guys can use language!

Good question!

Rehman of Multan

Lumbi said...

The language seems to me .... php for Wordpress Design-ish is not safe

The development of live commentary is not difficult if you know something about programming. I have a website for my, but needs to work 100%, prior to the PC and watch the cricket ....... said then, for every ball.

Bingalee said...

Javascript. They live updates at Yahoo 7 Sport and the website page of my online journal as well. I believe this update every 45 seconds on the website of paper, not sure if Yahoo 7

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